Programs in French
1. Fashion Designer (in French and in English for the first year)

Fashion Designer – Recognized State Degree Level II / Bachelor Degree (accredited by the French accreditation commission)*
Admission Post High school diploma or equivalent – Duration 4 years – Taught in English and French
During this program, students learn to design apparel. Their mission consists in imagining fashion pieces able to complement the fashion collections of the future for couture, womenswear, menswear, sportswear brands.
The prerequisite for this program is a high school final degree.
The program is explored over three years. It also requires the extra « professionalization » year before entering the industry.
Level 2 RNCP degree*
2.Fashion Brand Designer
Recognized State Degree Level I / Master Degree (accredited by the French accreditation commission)**
Admission after a Bachelor in Fashion Design – Duration 2 years
After they have followed a program as a fashion designer, the students entering this program become designers of personnal collections for a brand (either the brand the student is intending to launch or an established one). This program first pushes its students to imagine their future personnal collections from a design point of view. It then provides an initiation to business and marketing tools to develop this brand. The prerequiste for this program is 3 years of study after graduation from high school, particularly in the field of fashion and/or the applied arts.
The program consists in two years of studies,including one year of professionalization in partnering companies.
Level 1 RNCP degree**

3. Fashion Communication Manager (from Fashion Stylist to P.R Officer)

Admission after a 2 years degree in communication or fashion design – Duration 2 years
Students in this program have followed three years after high school of either general promotion/marketing/communication programs or fashion design courses. They want to specialize in the visual tools specific to the fashion industry (fashion editorilals, fashion films) as well as to the communication strategies for this high profile field (events production, social networks). In this course, they coordinate and produce fashion shoots, optimize their usage of graphic software, learn to write press releases and trends articles, write and produce fashion films, imagine digital communication plans….
The prerequisite for this program consists in 3 years in a fashion design school or in a general marketing/communication school .
The program consists in two years of studies,including one year of professionalization and internship.
4. Style Makeover Coach - Relooking and Personal Shopper
Admission after a first experience, one year minimum after High school diploma or equiv. -10 months duration
Master and exploit the language of fashion and beauty, in order to express your client’s personality through his image.

Applications for any of these programs start with a personnal interview of the applicant.
This procedure helps to determine the applicant’s level, motivation and professionnal project.
In order to get an appointement for an interview, applicants can contact the school office, open from mondays to fridays from 09:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m ; and from 02 :00 p.m. to 05 :00 p.m.
Applicants may also return by mail their application form.
The Atelier Chardon Savard is a CampusFrance's member
* Registered degree (RNCP register, NSF240 in level II (fr) or 6 (eu). French decree published on the JO on July 25th 2015.
** Registered degree (RNCP register, NSF240 in level I (fr) or 7 (eu). French decree published on the JO on September 7th 2016.